Book Critique- Something Borrowed, Something Blue

I just finished reading two novels and I wanted to share!! I generally only read novels in the summer, because I just cant reason with reading books for pleasure during the school year when I should be reading for school. Now that I am no longer in school I guess I can just read whenever, wherever for the REST OF MY LIFE. scary.

Something Borrowed and Something Blue!

So Something Borrowed was a GREAT. book, I loved the characters, and it was easy to connect to the main character Rachel. It is about a girl who falls in love with her best friends Fiance. If anyone is looking for a good summer read this is a great one. I watched the movie right after reading the book, and was bummed. You couldn’t really understand the love between Rachel and her best friends fiance, why they were so in love, or why they thought it was okay to have this affair. You also really couldn’t understand the relationship between Rachel and her best friend and why on earth they were still friends.

For Something Blue I was excited because it was the story from Rachel’s Best friends point of view, life after the affair, and life after she found out. At first I was pretty annoyed because is a larger than life character, and her feelings were really hard for me to relate to. She begins making changes for the better, and her life changes pretty drastically, and watching the changes unfold makes the story so great, but these changes take a while so the beginning of the book I wasn’t really into.

I am now reading Baby Proof, which is actually not with the same characters and I was really bummed about that. But so far its going alright and I will post about it when I finish!